Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Foreign Agriculture Service Foreign Agricultural Service
Foreign Agriculture Service According to Agriculture , The U.S government spends tax dollars to promote the export of U.S. agricultural and food products to pay for advertising, consumer promotions, market research, technical assistance and travel. The Foreign Agriculture Service uses the tax dollars to improve foreign market access for United States products, build new markets, and advance the competitive position of U.S. agriculture in the global marketplace. They also use people’s tax dollars to see where the U.S. would benefit the most when selling our products to other countries and promoting these products at trade shows in Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia. According to the Foreign Agricultural Service , the actions†¦show more content†¦FAS partners with the U.S. Agency for International Development to manage U.S. food aid programs, helping people in need around the world. FAS’s non-emergency food aid programs help meet recipients’ nutritional needs and also support agricultural development and education. A specific program that the Foreign Agriculture Service has is called the Borlaug Fellowship Program. According to Borlaug Fellowship Program , he Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program promotes food security and economic growth by providing training and collective research opportunities to people located in developing and middle-income countries. Each member in the program works one-on-one with a mentor at a U.S. university, research center or government agency, usually for 6-12 weeks. The U.S. mentor will later visit the person’s home organization to continue cooperation. Since the creation of the program in 2004, about 700 fellows from 64 countries have participated in research and training focused on a wide range of agriculture-related topics, including agronomy, veterinary science, agricultural biotechnology, global climate change, food safety, nutri tion, sanitary and phytosanitary issues, natural resource management, agricultural economics and agricultural policy. According to The Foreign Agricultural Service , the FAS offers an assortment of services and programs that
Monday, May 18, 2020
Economic Globalization And Its Impact On Society - 1154 Words
Economic globalization has progressed significantly around the globe. First world republics have evolved due to economics, while possessing economical supremacy over the poor. Developing technologies, social interactions and the exchange of ideas knowledge promote the expansion of economical impacts on societies. With growing competition between nations, the world of economics is seen at every corner. Sources of economic globalization, such as market economies, control every aspect of a consumer’s life, including their wants and needs. Production occurring in industrialized factories determine the needs and survival of consumers. The growing impact westernization has on demand, heavily influences the day to day consumer and their investments. Historically, industrial revolution was one of the major factors which drove economic globalization. From Britain being the first nation to industrialize, countries around the globe began to discern the economic benefits and opportunitie s it brought. So, began the era of industrialization and a new chapter of economies. In roughly early 1900s, Canada began to encounter economic evolution. Changes in technology and agriculture enabled the productizing of large scale farming and mass manufacturing, which resulted in new means of transportation like the railway and canals. One of the most important invention was the steam engine which was used to power transportation such as railways, ships, and factory machinery. As industrializationShow MoreRelatedEssay on Globalization1614 Words  | 6 Pagesand contested topic in today’s context. Globalization includes aspects like: economics, politics, ideas, knowledge, culture, society, environment, health, social etcetera. Though globalization can be traced back into time immemorial, but the extent and magnitude of present globalization is unprecedented. The integration and interdependence of globalization implies that today local event can have global impact and vic e-versa. With the ongoing globalization process, it raises concerns about internationalRead MoreAdvantages and Disadvantages of Globalization on South Africa767 Words  | 4 PagesGlobalization is the shrinking of the world and the increased consciousness of the world as a whole. It is a term used to describe the changes in societies and the world economy that is a result of dramatically increased cross-border trade, investment, and cultural exchange. Globalization has been dominated by the nation-state, national economies, and national cultural identities. The new form of globalization is an interconnected world and global mass culture, often referred to as a global villageRead MoreEconomic Impact Of American Fast Food Upon Developing Countries Essay1736 Words  | 7 Pages Economic Impacts of American Fast Food upon Developing Countries Amanda Lee Arkansas School for Mathematics, Sciences, and the Arts Introduction Developments leading up to the 21st century are best characterized by the economic advancements found in countries all over the world. Regardless of the level of these advancements in a country, achieving higher living standards, financial stability, and overall growth of the economy are the perpetual goals for a countryRead MoreImpact Of Trade Liberalization On African Countries Essay1627 Words  | 7 PagesThe scholarship examining the extent at which trade liberalization (henceforth refers to as economic globalization) impacts poverty levels is limited. This essay examines the relationships between economic globalization and poverty levels in African countries. For instance, a 2006 UNDP report illustrates that just 7.2 percent of Bayelsa and Rivers State (Nigeria) residents were poor in 1980, but in 2004, the poverty index figures rose exponentially to 44.3 percent; Nigeria’s national rural povertyRead MoreGlobalization : The World Of Politics And The Human Population1648 Words  | 7 PagesGlobalization influences many aspects of human life, it is a process of change, the process of collaboration and integration among the people an d businesses of different nations, it is a process propelled by trade, investment and technology. The process of globalization has great purpose for bring people together and sharing ideas however, it has effects on the environment, culture, the economy, politics and the human population (Globalization 101). Globalization has effected the environment dueRead MoreEssay on Globalization: Sharing Our Prosperity With the World1388 Words  | 6 Pages Globalization is the growing interdependence of the worlds people that involves the integration of economies, technologies, and cultures (Bradshaw). It is described as the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and money across national borders that have led to the increased interconnectedness among the world. Globalization is often thought of in economic terms but as we know there are three major components implicated with this idea including: economics, politics, andRead MoreGlobalization and Its Impact on International Business Essay1558 Words  | 7 Pages............3 What is Globalization....................................................4 The engines for Globalizations†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦5 Globalization’s impacts on international business†¦..7 The road ahead for international business†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..11 Reference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 Introduction Every day we hear it on the news, read it in the papers, overhear people talking about it†¦ and in every single instance the word globalization seems to have a differentRead MoreWhat is Globalization?895 Words  | 4 Pages What is Globalization? Globalization is growth to a global or worldwide scale. It is a series of several processes; One of which being a process of economic interactions and integrations between companies and governments of different nations. Countries engage in international trade aided by technology and other sources of information, Such as the internet and other means of communication. Economic interactions are interactions that have effects on the environment, culture, political systemsRead More The Disadvantages of Globalization1567 Words  | 7 Pages Globalization is a term that is difficult to define, as it covers many broad topics in the global arena. However, it can typically be attributed to the advancement of economic, social, and cultural interactions among the companies, citizens, organizations, and governments of nations; globalization also focuses on the interactions and integration of countries (The Levin Institute 2012). Many in the Western world promote globalization as a positive concept that allows growth and participation in aRead MoreAnalyze the Effects of Globalization on Native-No Western Cultural Practices1545 Words  | 7 PagesGLT1 Task 1 Analyze the effects of globalization on native-no Western cultural practices Issues in Behavioral Science Jamie B BSN 06/18/2014 Western Governor’s University In this essay, I will discuss the matter of Globalization of two nations, South Korea and India. Globalization can be defined as, in simple terms, as the process of making something, anything available worldwide. It is a collaboration between countries, exchanging goods, services, workers, ideas, and even culture, which
Friday, May 15, 2020
Investigating What Macro-sociological Approaches and...
Investigating What Macro-sociological Approaches and Micro-sociological Approaches Tells Us About Student Under-achievement in School Macro-sociology approaches offer explanations for social phenomena in terms of the way in which social systems work as a whole. Micro-sociology gives explanations in terms of how people make things happen by interpreting their experience and acting on their interpretations. Macro-sociology divides into consensus and conflict approaches. The former view society as similar to the human body, where everyone functions together to enable society to work well. Functionalists believe that society is run in the best interest for everyone. Conflict theories view society as†¦show more content†¦The differential rewards that adults receive are seen by both successful, and the less successful, as justified and fair, because both groups had equal opportunities. Educational failure is thus seen either as part of the way in which people are placed in society according to their ability (some people have to fail) or as evidence that the system isnt working properly. Functionalist writers point out that schools act as sieves grading out higher ability children. The least able therefore fail. A conflict view of the education system is that it is a site of ideological struggle. It enforces class differences by helping the middle-class to succeed while preventing working class children from fulfilling their true potential. According to Poulantzaz the school is just part of the Ideological State Apparatus concerned with the manipulation of values and beliefs. Educational failure is thus seen as due to the fact that schools are a mainly middle-class institution. Different groups have fundamentally different ideas and interests and therefore education will benefit some more than others. There are various conflict theories which give different views about educational failure. For example Marxist approaches argue that the education system imposes the dominant values of the rulingShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagescurrently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work that today qualify as constituting the subject of organisational theory. Whilst their writing is accessible and engaging, their approach is scholarly and serious. It is so easy for students (and indeed others whoRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 PagesAll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, w ithout the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate thisRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words  | 862 Pages and others . . . This book was printed on recycled paper. Management http://www.mhhe.com/primis/online/ Copyright  ©2005 by The McGraw−Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the publisher. This McGraw−Hill PrimisRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesISBN-10: 0-13-283487-1 1. Organizational behavior. I. Judge, Tim. II. Title. HD58.7.R62 2012 658.3â€â€dc23 2011038674 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 10: 0-13-283487-1 ISBN 13: 978-0-13-283487-2 Brief Contents Preface xxii 1 2 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation:
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Educating America about Legalization of Marijuana Essays
Educating America about Legalization of Marijuana Over 3000,000 people a year are arrested because of it in our country. Its recreational usage boomed in the 1960s and by the 1980s one half of all college students had tried it. Once a simple plant, cannabis satria, or marijuana, has become one of the most controversial topics of the 20th century. Although illegal for some time now in the United States, we know of its widespread availability and usage. Once a huge threat to society, it is now being overlooked as we turn to the seemingly more serious problems of cocaine and heroin. But should we be taking a second look at it, cracking down on enforcement and trying as hard as possible to rid our country of this drug? Well the†¦show more content†¦It wasnt until the mid-nineteenth century that western doctors began prescribing it to their patients, and soon it could even be bought in drug stores. It was commonly used in the U.S. to treat asthma, epilepsy, dysmemarrhea, gonorrhea, and migraines, being compared to opium in strength but much kinder on the body. The use of marijuana declined with the development of aspirin and barbiturates, which were much more dependable. The belief that Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. This new law to discourage recreational smoking required anyone purchasing the drug for certain medical purposes to pay a tax of one dollar per ounce, while those inclined to use it for other purposes paid one hundred dollars per ounce. In 1970 Congress passed the Controlled Substances Act, assigning psychoactive drugs to five schedules. Cannabis came under schedule 1, the most restrictive. Drugs outlined under schedule 1 were said to have no medical use, a high potential fo r abuse and no safe uses. In 1978 New Mexico enacted the first law to make it legal for medical use, and by 1994, 36 other states followed. Cannabis was not recognized as a medicine by the federal government , and in order to dispense it, states had to conduct special research and receive FDA approval. Because this was so hard to do, only 10 states actually established programs in which cannabis was used as a medicine. Patients had to complete extensive paperwork in order to getShow MoreRelatedShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1082 Words  | 5 PagesLegalization of Marijuana Marijuana has always been a major topic on War on Drugs, either to let it stay illegal or to decide whether to legalize it. Marijuana can give off deadly or fatal actions that could to harm toward the user or those around the user. While also marijuana can be a help to the economic problems that America faces today. The Hawaii State Government should legalize marijuana because it is a non-addictive substance, it has the potential to increase tax revenue, and there are medicalRead MoreThe Green Need For The Fight For Marijuana Reform1425 Words  | 6 Pagessizeable tax revenues from legalizing marijuana. The fight for marijuana reform has been an ongoing battle, and every time this matter is argued, those voting against marijuana have triumphed. A report on PBS.org titled â€Å"Busted – America’s war of Marijuana†states that since 1937 attempts to criminalize marijuana began to emerge, starting with the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. This act required an excise t ax to be paid in order to have legal possession of marijuana. Eventually, this act was replaced byRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?2278 Words  | 10 Pages The debate over legalization of marijuana for recreational use is an issue that has polarized many Americans. On one hand of the spectrum are the marijuana advocates that campaign for the government to lift the ban on the drug, citing beneficial uses for it for the economy and for medicine. On the other side are people who believe that marijuana legalization would serve as an addictive gateway drug for many people and would pose health hazards for people that uses it recreationally. My stance onRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1664 Words  | 7 Pages The Jamestown Settlers where the ones who first brought the Marijuana plant over to North America in 1611. The plant is also commonly known as Hemp to people when it was first introduced. Through the Colonial period in North America hemp fiber was a very important export to this country. In 1762 Virginia would award rewards for those who would cultivate and manufacture the hemp plant. For those who would refuse to produce the hemp plant, faced consequences and penalties. George Washington and ThomasRead MoreUnited States Drug Policy1302 Words  | 6 PagesThe issue of legalizing drugs, especially marijuana, is one that is debated all the time. In fact, in 1995, a survey was conducted on the most important policy issues and eighty five percent of the country placed drugs at the top of the list (Falco 1996). Many states are actually beginning to decriminalize, and even legalize, marijuana use for medical perposes. In fact, two states, Washington and Colorado, have legalized the recreational use of marijuana for anybody over the age of twenty-one sinceRead MoreEnglish Comp Rough Draft1142 Words  | 5 PagesAnthony Grimes Ashford University ENG122-English Composition II Instructor Mitchell November 26, 2012 Substance abuse and consumption have become an epidemic in America. The use of drugs results in countless drug-related deaths and causes states to spend billions of dollars to combat drug trafficking. Drugs are shipped in by sea, air, automobile, and even smuggled in by person. These drugs are supplied by drug cartels. These criminal organizations where formed to promote, control, produceRead MoreHow Will Marijuana Legalization Affect Public Health?2856 Words  | 12 PagesGrant Schnell Senior English 4.20.2015 How will Marijuana legalization affect public health? It is a very exciting time to be a pothead in America. With legalization spreading across the US many are starting to get involved in the expanding industry that is here to stay. So how will marijuana affect public health? In Oregon the distribution of the tax revenue is going to be funded into schools, mental health services, State Police and Oregon Health Authority. Last year Colorado brought in $60Read MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1858 Words  | 8 PagesMarijuana is a very significant and controversial issue in today’s society. Derogatory claims have been made about marijuana, otherwise known as cannabis or hemp. Marijuana arrived in North America with Christopher Columbus around 1492 A.D. The leafy flowering hemp plant, known as marijuana, was used for industrial goods such as clothing, ropes, and sails (Tudor). Distinguishing between marijuana and hemp has always been confusing. Plants containing less than one percent THC are called hemp, whichRead MoreThe Mil lennial Marijuana Movement : When Millennials Rule : The Reshaping Of America Essay2238 Words  | 9 PagesThe Millennial Marijuana Movement When Millennials Rule: The Reshaping of America, is a book by David and Jack Cahn that goes in depth on pressing issues in America such as gun control, abortion, and even marijuana. They touch on college debt as well as environmental protection and equality. They are brilliant young men that do a great job of pointing out the millennial standpoint on these various views and do well describing what millennials can do about these issues. A key point in this book isRead MoreAmerica Is Under Attack By Drugs1343 Words  | 6 PagesKevin Fenchel Professor Sheridan English 151 11/6/14 America Is Under Attack by Drugs As a nation we face a serious enemy that is not on foreign soil but here at home. The drug problem in this country has truly affected many lives and families. This enemy has no limits and affects our domestic tranquility. All drugs should not be legalized because they have the ability to impair judgment and do much bodily harm. Drugs have been a dark shadow lingering over our country for many years. In recent years
Symbolism in Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin Essay - 944 Words
Symbolism in Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin Desirees Baby is Kate Chopins most well-known short story and most anthologized piece of work. The story takes place in southern Louisiana and her writing reflects her Creole-French descent. Chopin begins the story with a descriptive quote, when she reached LAbri she shuddered at the first sight of it, as she always did. It was a sad looking place...Big solemn oaks grew close to it and their thick leaved, far-reaching branches shadowed it like a pall (185). The preceding quote gives the reader an eerie feeling and foreshadows an unpleasant ending to the story. Throughout Desirees Baby, Kate Chopin uses symbolism to convey her themes of racial prejudice, unequal gender roles, and†¦show more content†¦Chopin was a southern feminist writer who often related her stories back to the issue of discrimination across genders. She uses symbolism to analyze the gender roles of inequality between men and women in society. In the very beginning Desiree was left on a stone pillar at the Valmonde estate; it is here that Armand Aubigny sees her and falls instantly in love with her. The stone pillar is a phallic symbol of firm, forced male dominance in a patriarchal society. Throughout the story Desiree is submissive to her husband and obeys everything he says even when Aubigny sends her and the child away. Desiree left wearing a thin white garment and slippers and as she walked the sun beamed down giving off a radiant, golden gleam from her long, brown hair. Chopin uses Desirees white clothing to symbolize the feminine element being introduced into society and the suns shining rays seem to represent the shifting of power roles among genders. Chopin demonstrates the rising power of women in society and the establishment of equality among genders. She did not take the broad, beaten road which led to the far-off plantation at Valmonde. She walked across a deserted field, where the stubble bruised her tender feet, so delicately shod, and tore her thin gown to shreds. She disappeared among the reeds and willows that grew thick along the banks of the deep, sluggishShow MoreRelatedSymbolism In Desirees Baby, By Kate Chopin1120 Words  | 5 Pagesbut while leaving the reader guessing, hints are included to guide an inference. In Kate Chopins â€Å"Desirees Baby†she explores the ideas of racism and the idea that women are under men and are the cause of all problems, she also includes symbolism to portray a deeper meaning which is present in her other works. Although it is not blatantly said in the story, it can be inferred that Desiree killed herself and her baby near the end of the story. There is a sense of uncertainty yet prominent foreshadowingRead MoreForeshadowing And Symbolism In Desirees Baby By Kate Chopin701 Words  | 3 PagesIn the short story called â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†written by Kate Chopin, the author used many different literary elements to describe and build up many characters. But two of the one that stands out the most was the foreshadowing and symbolism. These elements helped to build up Desiree Valmonde, one of the main character in the short story. First thing first is the foreshadowing, since it was the first thing most of the reader noticed. After the couple-Armand Aubigny and Desiree Valmonde- got marriedRead MoreAn Analysis Of Armand Aubigny s Desiree s Baby 1538 Words  | 7 PagesArmand Aubigny’s Pride in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†by Kate Chopin Through history, we have always yearned independence and equality as human beings. Undoubtedly, Kate Chopin is an extraordinary example She has landed a commendable place among American writers worthy of recognition. Born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1850, Kate was raised by strong women who taught her the value of an education. Her family gave her a revolutionary vision and a feminist personality, but it was her talented and passionate skillsRead More Kate Chopins Desirees Baby Essays1394 Words  | 6 PagesKate Chopins Desirees Baby This essay will focus on the short story by Kate Chopin and its use of symbols, setting and characters. Desiree’s baby was perhaps one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Analyzing it was not easy at all. Its use of symbols was very hard to comprehend. At first, it doesn’t make sense. But as you think criticallyRead MoreDesirees Baby Analysis Essay1415 Words  | 6 Pagesessay will focus on the short story by Kate Chopin and its use of symbols, setting and characters. Desiree’s baby was perhaps one of the best stories I’ve ever read. Analyzing it was not easy at all. Its use of symbols was very hard to comprehend. At first, it doesn’t make sense. But as you think critically, all the symbols, and setting and the characters in this literature plunge together in one amazing story. Literary Analysis on Kate Chopins Desirees Baby â€Å"Tell me what it means!†she criedRead MoreAnalysis Of Kate Chopin s Desiree s Baby 987 Words  | 4 Pagesunderstanding of people are compromised.†Kate Chopin’s story, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†is a story solely of racial identity, sexism, pride and love. Throughout, there’s symbolism to indicate unequal gender functions, as well as racial prejudice. Readers become mindful of the effects love and pride has over actions, as the story foreshadows numerously. Thoroughly, analytical evidence will focus on the irony of racial identity, symbolism of sexism, pride and love. Desiree’s Baby is a short story centered directlyRead MoreRacial And Sexual Discrimination Throughout Desiree s Baby And Society1408 Words  | 6 PagesRacial and Sexual Discrimination Throughout Desiree’s Baby and Society It was a very tough life for many women and blacks during the 19th Century because of the domination of the white men. Their social and economic lives showed the hardships they faced and was a constant reminder of the domination. The social ideology present in â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†was a powerful and dangerous force that showed no mercy to any character. A woman with small children who lost her husband would find no support or comfortRead MoreKate Chopin s The Locket And Desiree s Baby1575 Words  | 7 Pages Kate Chopin’s â€Å"The Locket†and â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†are two stories where heart-rending news changed main characters lives. In the beginning of the both stories love between couples is described. Desiree is happy being wife and mother to newborn male baby while in the Locket Edmond is constantly thinking about his sweetheart Octavie. Both stories touch different sides of love, which appears fortunate in the Locket, but destructive in Desiree s Baby. In â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†, Armand begins distancingRead MoreDesirees Baby Analysis Essay1333 Words  | 6 PagesTITLE In Kate Chopin’s story, â€Å"Desiree’s Baby†she tells of a story set in Louisiana in the mid-nineteenth century on a white plantation some time before the Civil War when slavery was still legal. Readers will see the unraveling of a marriage because of assumptions and hatred that will lead to heartbreak. In this story, the readers will explore the impacts of racism and racial inequality and how the racial tension of the time effected the lives of Desiree and her husband Armand. Chopin begins herRead MoreEssay about Desirees Baby2009 Words  | 9 Pagesthe sex and color of a person. Kate Chopin exemplifies these roles very accurately within her story, Desiree’s Baby. In the short fiction story, Desiree’s Baby, the author Kate Chopin incorporates many motifs, symbols, and imagery to describe gender assumptions and racial roles for both men and women in the 1800s by narrating the story of an adopted mother named Desiree, with no known lineage, and her prideful husband Armand. The most notable literary devices Chopin incorporates to convey her message
The History of Recording Music
Question: Describe about the The history of recording music ? Answer: Introduction The report basically contains the details about music technology. Music technology like all technology is complex in nature. There is always scope of development in the music technology. This research will be carried out basically on the problems with music technology and how music technology is impacting the level of music. Like every coin has two faces, similarly music technology also has two faces, i.e. positive and negative. On one side, it is creating the digitized music which is liked by the music lover, on the other hand it is destroying the real music. Thus, there are various facts which should be discussed about the music technology. This literature review analyses the music technology present in the market and will conclude the results of these technologies in the real world. Literature Review Most of the industries today are trying to reduce the complexity of the technology but still as the modern technology and the gadgets are growing, the technology itself is becoming more complex (Hughes 2004, p.1). Technology is really tough to understand and define. Contradiction always remains present in any type of technology. Music technology is also one of the part of those technologies. There are various successful example of music technology present in the world. It was the same even at the time of 1940s when the technology was at the developing state. The experiment for bouncing and adding track in disk recording was successfully done in 1940s. Lover (When Youre Near Me) The famous album of 1948, was recorded by the above technique. This music was the result of combination of 8 guitars. First 8 track recorder was developed in 1955 and sold in 1957 by David Sarser at a cost of $10,000. It was then named as Octopus (Recording History, 2014). Actually, there are four divisions in any music technology. These are, fundamentals, instruments and interfaces, recording and distribution, languages and representation. Each division has its own significance. Fundamental includes the basic or tradition of the music. This includes the technology related to the digital representation of the music (Ecoff, 2000). Coding music technology is one of the important part of music technology, coding is required in each division of the technology. Instrument and interface use the coding for designing the interface. Coding of designing music interface provide a different look to the music technology. When we play music in the software, a program of software comes on the screen. Whatever is watchable on the screen is under the interface. The efficiency of interface depends on the ease to use. It also depends on how easy all the programmes are accessible on the screen. Instrument technology includes the use of digitized instruments like electric guitar, electric drums and synthesizer etc. As these instruments are described, here coding is actually related to the designing of the instrument. Recording and distribution includes the technology related to the final storing of the music. As recording is taken into the consideration, a full planned and designed coding is required in the backend to store the music. Music is prepared for the distribution in the market. Various changes in the music have been performed at this stage of the music production by using the computer and software to enhance the effectivity of the music. Even this software is the result of coding. Representation and language technology includes the virtual music players which play the music and the dubbing technology. For music and dubbing also a software programme result of coding is required. There is a particular problem of using technology in art. New technologies have always been exploited by the arts for creative agendas. The first problem that is tracked by the use of music is that the success mainly depends on the technology operator more than the artist which means that the aesthetic criteria defines the success more (Warde, 2000). The other problem is that the original work of the composers and the producers cant be seen. Coding of course has created various positive aspects and work easy but these negative aspects are also the result of coding. After the invention of recorded music, sound and the technology, various new inventions from phonograph to mp3 music have been done. Currently, the trends in the music technology have been changed to digital recording (Theberg, 1997). Coding of digital music is very much advanced thus produce a real effect of music. Song mixing, mastering and recording has been performed by sophisticated software like Neundo and ProTools. These coded tools has made easy these things, otherwise there were various additional instruments also required. The various innovations like iTunes, digital Jukeboxes and mp3 players are changing the effect of music in the world. Today, computer is playing a central role in the music process. The digitization and arrangements of sound through the computer really generates a better impact on the listeners. The concept of play back singing has come after the digitization of the music. The case of grey Tuesday on 24th February 2004 cant be forgotten when more than 300 blogs and websites had done an online music protest for supporting various music files generated by Brian Burton (a famous hip hop artist) (Warde, 2004). Actually, The grey album were an innovation of the hip hop mix by rapping the lyrics of Black Album and White Album. Thus, the name was given as grey album. Nowadays, the most expensive parts are used by the recording studio (Theberg, p. 231). People have become the habituated of quality music generated through the music technology. No matter how much touching the lyrics of songs are or how well the music was played, people dont like the song without digitization of the music. A proper software installed in the computer helps in creating high quality music (Middleton, p. 66). The above technology is the result of the power of microprocessor, computer interfacing and recording software. The software packages provides various kind of facilities to the professionals to create high quality music, the main facilities are merging, cutting, pitch setting etc. Even for the consumption of music, computer works as a central device. Hard disks have the ability to store lakhs of unauthorized or authorized music. After the CDs and recording tapes, digital music has changed the choices of music in the people. Virtual players are the software which actually plays the digital music in the computers, mp3 players, mobiles and other devices. These virtual players are also designed with various facilities. These facilities provide the user to manage the quality of the music. User can create various playlists in single software according to his choices and save in his device. Playlist reduces the searching efforts and time for the music (Jones, 2000). The future will be much more advanced; the shuffle technology in the iPod will provide the facility of skipping from first music to another (Ross, 2004). Visual aspects of the music have also created a revolution in the music world. It is really surprising that people can see the music. Musicians argue that sound was visible after the music notation but the digital representation of sound is really a bit different. It has made the processing of music very easy (Ross, 2004). Digital representation of the music is the combination of ones and zeroes which can be adjusted very easily and effectively. Harmonies, melodies, versus and Chorus can be created just like paragraph in a word processor. The world of music has changed. Previously, the music directors and producers used to use their ears while today they rely on their eyes (Danny, 1999). Thus, the consumers today are not getting the music, they are getting the stream of zeroes and ones. Looping and sampling is also an interesting technology. The case of grey album was the result of the same technology which used the sampling and re-arranging of the well-known music. The sampling provides the user an access to the libraries of sounds and instruments. If a musician doesnt know to play violin, he can buy a CD of music samples of various reknown violin players and by looping them, can create his own sound (Morris, 2010). It is just like music without instruments. The use of pre-recorded material has reduced the use of music instruments. It is very true that the old music were legendary music but today, its the only technology that is working (Coleman, 2003). Musicians are using the combination of old melodies and todays technology which is really impacting the world of music. Thus, the trends have changed from full music knowledge to the 50% music and 50% technology in creation of any music. Both should be perfect to influence the people. The technology has entered in the music instrument also, like acoustic guitar to electric guitar, harmonium to synthesizer and traditional drums to electrical drums. Acoustic guitar was just a bunch of string while the electric guitar is the combination of the string and the digitization. The digitization of the string sound produces the result of electric guitar. If we see todays trend, electric guitar digitizes the string sound in hundreds of other sounds. Same thing happens in case of synthesizers and the electric drums (Bull, 2000). After the digitization through the instruments, the digitization of the music is performed on the computer which means digitization of the pre digitized sound. Conclusion Music processing is divided into four parts, all the four parts are associated with some kind of technology. These technologies have really changed the view of the listeners towards the music. After analysing the technology in depth, it is found that the digitization process is the heart of each type of music technology. Technology really has reduced the originality in the music. Everything we hear is just a stream of zeroes and one. At a certain level, the technology has really influenced people but if we consider it at the level of art it is reducing the impact of real art. References Recording History (2014). The history of recording music [online]. Available From: https://www.recording-history.org/HTML/8track3.php [Accessed: 19th March 2015]. OCW (2013). Music Technology [online]. Available From: https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/music-and-theater-arts/21m-380-music-and-technology-contemporary-history-and-aesthetics-fall-2009/lecture-notes-and-videos/MIT21M_380F09_lec01.pdf [Accessed: 19th March 2015]. Bull, Michael (2000). Sounding out the city: Personal Stereos and the management of Everyday life 1st ed. Berg: Oxford Press Coleman, Mark (2003). Playback: From Victrola to mp3, 100 years of music, machines and money New York: De Capo Press Danny, Michel (1999). Sound Recording Jones, Steve (2005). Music and the internet Popular Music 19(2) p. 217-230 Theberg, Paul (1997). Any sound you can imaging: Making music/ consuming Technology 1st ed. Hanover: Wesleyan Werde, Bill (2004). Deffiant Downloads Rise From Underground. New York times 25th February 2004 p.3 Ross, Alex (2004).Listen to this. The New Yorker 16th February 2004 p. 146-155. Morris, Jeramy (2010). Developments in Music Technology: Hybrid Activity in Popular music 15 (2). 91-101 Eccoff, Samuel (2000).Fundamentals of Music Technology. 2nd ed. New York: Secret Society Production. Middleton, Chris (2003). The Complete guide to digital audio. Boston: Muska and Lipman Publishing
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Indigenous Education and Perspective
Question: Discuss about theIndigenous Education and Perspective. Answer: Introduction The past resonates in the present and will linger in the future. The histories of the Indigenous Australians are complex and pervasive. The Indigenous people sustained various wrongs in the various eras such as dispossession, segregation, and loss of power to control their own lives. This paper will focus on discussing the frontier war, protection, segregation and stolen children eras and ways in which Indigenous Australian people resisted the occupation of Australia and policies implemented on them. The Colonial Frontier Era Discussion The colonial frontier era was characterized by a series of wars between Indigenous Australians and British settlers which spanned for 146 years. The first conflict ensued some months after the advent of the First Fleet in January 1788, and the last fighting took place as late as 1934. The estimated fatalities in the clashes are at least 20, 000 Indigenous Australians and approximately 2500 Europeans. However, recent studies on frontier wars show that the Indigenous fatalities in Queensland may have been substantially higher. Indeed, while fighting took place in several locations across Australia, they were predominantly bloody in Queensland, due to its relatively larger pre-contact Indigenous inhabitants(Goodall Read, 1988). Far more annihilating in their effect on the Aboriginal populace, however, were illnesses, infertility, and food shortage due to hunting grounds. For instance, there are indications that Aboriginal tribes lost up to 50% of its populace to small pox epidemics. As a result of effects of the various factors, the tribe had limited ability to fight invasion and dispossession. (Tench, 1788). In 1770, Europeans embarked on their first voyage along the Australian east coast. The expedition was under the direction of then-Lieutenant James Cook. The British on their voyage up the east coast of Australia saw no signs of agriculture or other activities by its inhabitants. Under the European law such land was deemed belonging to nobody or terra nullius or land having no occupants. The British claimed the land on 23rd of August 1770 (Phillip, 1790). Resistance Conflicts between Indigenous Australians and Europeans were as a result of the fight over resources. Initially, the British occupied small amounts of land; however, they expanded their settlements disrupting Indigenous food-gathering activities. Due to of occupation land and destruction of food resources by the British the Indigenous Australians were faced with food shortage and starvation. The Aboriginal became inevitably hostile due to the competition of resources (Ryan, 2008). The first frontier conflict took place in 1795 due to the Europeans establishing farms along the Hawkesbury River. The local Darug populace invaded the farms to steal food. These raids led to Governor Macquarie to dispatch troops from the British army in 1816 to patrol the Hawkesbury valley. The conflict ended when 14 Indigenous Australians were killed when the British troops raided their campsites. War arose again when the Europeans expanded their settlements into inland New South Wales. The Wiradjuri warriors harassed the settler who crossed the Blue Mountains. The British retaliated by killing them. The conflicts led to Governor Brisbane to proclaim martial law. The law stipulated there would be no more slaughter of black women and children and unoffending of white men. In the 1830s, the British extended their settlements into inland eastern Australia resulting to widespread conflict. The war spread across the Liverpool plains, with up to 500 indigenous Australians and 16 British being killed between 1832 and 1838. The war on the plain resulted in several massacres of Indigenous Australians including Myall Creek and Waterloo massacres. Killings began again in 1834 with the spearing of Trooper Hugh Nesbit. The killing seemed odd to the Europeans since Nesbit had befriended the Indigenous people. With the Aboriginal structure of payback, building friendship bonds with the Aborigines made no difference. Tribal rule surpassed any relationships that may have been formed. The Aborigines system was one life for one life while the British embarked on incapacitating the adversaries. The conflicts continued into the 20th century and was driven by the Indigenous people desire to secure their land and reprisals against their tribal men deaths. Policies Implemented on Australian Indigenous People Protection In early twentieth century, the authorities deemed it necessary to protect the indigenous people as they faced the threat of extinction. The government made Indigenous people their wards in the name of protection and subjected them to various protection policies. Consequently, the state had the power to decide where indigenous people could reside, work and who they could marry. The government established reserves intended to shelter indigenous people against violence and disease. Often, indigenous people were forcibly relocated from their lands and made to live in the institutionalized environments. The reserves aimed at civilizing the indigenous people and subduing their traditions. However, in the process of civilization indigenous people lost their cultures and languages. Many indigenous people lost their legal claim to their traditional lands as a result of forcible removal(McGrath, 1995). The protection act established in 1869 set a pattern of laws including the removal of Aboriginal children from their parents. The regulation led to the emergence of the stolen generations. However, in early the 1880s the Protection Board became chronically short of capital. The protection act provided that at the age of 13 boys were to be sent to work in farms or apprenticed while girls were to work as house servants. Orphaned mixed- race children were relocated to institutions of abandoned children or the government division dealing with neglected children. All part-Aborigines aged 34 and below were to move from the missions with their families although the board still had control over them(Read, 2000). Subsequent protection regulations stretched the Boards power allowing it to send all mixed-race children, whether orphaned or not, to various children departments for their better care and protection. Families declining to approve were made to leave the reserves and denied rations(Aboriginal Islanders, 2003). Between 1886 and 1923 the number of stations had progressively reduced. Fewer Aboriginal people resided in the Boards stations. Those who were still in the missions lived a highly controlled life. Their residences were under scrutiny, and they could be banished for misconduct. Indigenous persons who had been expelled from the Boards stations or who voluntarily left faced persistent hostility in non-Indigenous society. The government did not offer welfare that was available to the non-Indigenous populace. The only form of assistance it provided to them was rations circulated by the police. Although the protection board reclaimed control over mixed-races, it denied help to anyone who was not living in reserve. In the face of these challenges, Indigenous people settled in shanty towns on the edges of country cities, in locations of former reserves and in areas that presented employment, such as seasonal fruit harvesting work(Dodson, 1997). Segregation Indigenous Australians, who had been in Australia for at least 40,000 years before the advent of European settlers in 1788, were dispossessed of their land by the British who claimed Eastern Australia as their own on the basis of terra nullius doctrine. The indigenous inhabitants were gradually forced into neighboring areas as a result of the European expanding their settlements. Most of the indigenous people were repositioned to missions and land reserves. These land reserves and missions were unsuitable for human occupation since they facilitated diseases to spread quickly and had to be closed and the residents relocated to other areas (Clarke Galligan, 1995). Resisting the Imposed Policies The Aborigines eventually became discontented with the poor conditions and started rumbling when they met at Skull Spring. The rumblings developed into a fully-fledged strike in 1946. The first phase of the strike was between May 1946 and August 1949. During this period, the authorities used illegal practices, pressure and intimidation against the Aborigines in an effort to dismantle their spirit and drive them back to the stations. In 1966, the Gurindji, Waripiri, Ngarinman, Bilinara and Mudbara Aboriginal groups walked off their stations resulting to a strike that lasted seven years. Initially, their actions were seen as strike against deplorable living and working conditions. However, it became apparent that they were also campaigning for the return of their land. In 1967, there was a referendum in which majority of Australians voted Yes to giving the government authority to make laws for the Indigenous people. In 1972, the Labor government suspended development leases that might destroy the land, called to a halt mining exploration licenses and offered a small piece of land at Wattie Creek as an first phase of giving back land to the Indigenous people. In 1975, the Aboriginal groups were given back a portion of their land following successful negotiations between the Labor government and Vesteys. Stolen Generations Discussion The stolen generations are Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people who were separated from their families and communities when they were children. The children were taken away by various institutions including churches, welfare bodies, and governments. The separation took place in the period approximately between 1905 and 1969. Contemporaneous documents of 19th and early 20th century indicate that the removal of Aboriginal children from their mothers was associated to the supposition that the Aborigines were dying off. Given their colossal population decline during the frontier conflicts, Europeans assumed that the Aboriginal population was doomed to extinction due to its inability to sustain itself. The exercise was also motivated by the belief that full-blooded Aboriginal people resented the mixed-race children and thus they needed to be protected from neglect and abuse. Historians contend that substantial numbers of mixed-race children were brutally and forcibly taken from their mothers, probably even after being born, when recognized as mixed-blood babies. In some cases, families had to sign legal documents to relinquish the care of their children to the state. In Western Australia, the authorities adopted legislation that took away the legal custody of Aboriginal parents. Therefore, the government did not require parental approval to move the mixed-race children to institutions since all the children were legal wards of the state(McGregor, 2002). Resistance The Aborigines and Torres Strait Islander could not resist since the government established policies that made mixed-race children their wards.In most cases, the removed children were relocated to institutional facilities run by charitable and religious organizations. A substantial number, particularly females were fostered or adopted by white families. Children placed in such institutions were trained to be integrated into Anglo-Australian culture (Koolmatrie Williams, 2000). Rules included reprimand for speaking their native languages. The aim was to prevent their being socialized into Aboriginal cultures and instead educate them for a changed future. The program also aimed at protecting the children from abuse and neglect. However, reports show that a significant number sexual assault and other forms of abuse while in an institution, living with a foster family or at work. Conclusion The past is to a great extent part of the contemporary society, in the persistent devastation of the lives of Indigenous Australians. The devastation cannot be resolved unless the whole society is willing to commit itself to reconciliation and redress the dispossessions and other sustained by the Indigenous populace. Bibliography Aboriginal, A., Islanders, T. S. ( 2003). Indigenous by definition, experience, or world view. Bmj. 327, 403-4. Cassidy, J. ( 1989). A reappraisal of aboriginal policy in colonial Australia: Imperial and colonial instruments and legislation recognising the special rights and status of the Australian aboriginals. The Journal of Legal History, 10(3), 365-379. Clarke, T., Galligan, B. ( 1995). Aboriginal nativeand the institutional construction of the Australian citizen 190148'. Australian Historical Studies, 26(105), 523-543. Dodson, M. (1997). 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