Friday, December 27, 2019
Sustainable Talent Management - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1617 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? Sustainable Talent Management Performance management process Performance management is the methodical procedure by which a company engages its employees, as members and individuals of a group, in improving effectiveness of organization in the success of company mission and objectives (U.S. Office of Personnel Management,, 2012). Even though there are many processes of performance management that can compute employee talent predominantly in this time of computer knowledge. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sustainable Talent Management" essay for you Create order The mainly significant components of such a process is to make certain, the old expression, of having the correct talent in the exact roles at the correct time is one of the mainly significant issues in front of line executives and professionals of human resource in the present day. There are a number of steps that can be utilized to compute talent of employee which comprise: Building up clear descriptions of job and plans of employee performance which comprises the vital areas of skill. Choosing the exact set of people by executing a proper process of selection. Negotiating prerequisites and standards of performance for computing the result and on the whole productivity in opposition to the predefined standards. Providing constant training and feedback throughout the phase of deliverance of performance. Recognizing the needs of training and development by computing the achieved outcomes in opposition to the place standards and executing efficient programs of development for improvement. Holding usual discussions of performance development and assessing performance of employees on the base of plans of performance. Devising efficient compensation and incentive systems for identifying those employees who do extremely well in their jobs by attaining the set standards compliant with the performance plans. Offer support and guidance in career development to the employees. This process of performance management will place the stage for awarding merit by supporting individual accomplishments of employee with the mission and objectives of the organizationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s and make the employee and the business recognize the significance of a specific job in recognizing outcomes. By instituting apparent expectations of performance which comprises actions, results, and behaviors, it can assist the employees recognize what precisely is supposed out of their jobs and categorize and abolish those jobs which are no longer functional. In the course of usual feedback and training, employee talent can be diagnosed and measured for problems at an early on stage and counteractive actions can be employed. Lastly, performance management can be observed as a positive system of supervising performance of employee for motivating the individuals and the company in the direction of preferred performance and effects. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s regarding generating an all iance amid objectives of individual and organizational for execution of merit in performance. Key concepts connected to the talent pools and the process of talent review. In an organization the vital concepts that are connected to talent pools and the process of talent review comprise conducting usual assessments of talent to appraise all employees in a pool of talent in opposition to the competency model. The company must constantly accumulate feedback from the manager, the employee, and anybody else well-known with the competencies that delineate the pool of talent. Management must allocate additional expansion activities to construct the required skills to secure the gaps that were recognized. Management must identify employees at risk of leaving jobs , and endeavor to recognize when and why. Management must effort to keep away from the need for extra training by continuing these extremely skilled employees aboard. Organization that constantly endeavors to direct its tal ent pool by spotlighting on existing performance and potential prospective of a chosen employee group will be capable to preserve an efficient review process of talent. The goal of review process is to obtain a combined viewpoint of needs, strengths, and development opportunity for definite employees, and to spot the organization in general skill levels of talent pool. This review process will as well maintain the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s readiness position in key assignments or future jobs are deemed. Talent management objectives Talent strategy has got to be aligned closely with strategy of business consequently efficient talent management needs that your business objectives and strategies drive the quantity and quality of the talent an organization requires. It is necessary that HR and top management have got to work collectively. There are more than a few objectives of talent management that can compute functional expertise. Once HR and management structures the overall objectives of an organization, the company requires to stress the significance objectives and must extend them into a strategy to draw and maintain the talent that the business requires to be successful. The business can achieve a competitive benefit by vigorously engage in the core constituents of talent management, for instance, compensation, performance, succession planning; and learning management; and vigorous association with the social networking resources of the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s. The company must measure the accomplishment of its talent management strategy with metrics that are advantageously pertinent to the business. HR and Management must take into report that talent management is a continuing procedure and work to recognize its competitors and the quick changes in the worldwide market that will persistently generate changes and demand the team of management constant notice above the long-term. Talent management, sustained by incorporated solutions of technol ogy, can be a genuine change of process (ADP, 2011, pg. 1). The objectives of talent management must consist of using technologies of talent management to develop roadmaps of talent management. Global talent management à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Alignment and assimilation are the vital to the effectiveness and success of global management of talent and are established to associate stoutly with better performance in business, both financial y and non- financialy (Ernst Young, 2010, p.g. 19). Aligning and assimilation of processes of global talent management from the commencement to the conclusion of the lifecycle of employee necessitates alignment of both systems and people. A lack of alignment sacrifices the ability of company to achieve visibility into these processes of talent and to influence the broad total of employees and business data available potentially. Management would require taking the essential steps to guarantee that the global talent management processes of the compa nyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s function in accord and for the advantage of the business. This company would require instituting talent management ownership o it is perceived as owned by the on the whole team of management, not entirely as an initiative of HR. HR would have to build up novel organizational structures to sustain initiatives of talent management and assign novel responsibilities and roles in support of the objects of incorporated talent management. This company must appraise existing business processes to discover novel opportunities and update and optimize processes of business to control the fresh technology. Management will require to budget and plan for change management to make certain recognition and usage of integrated talent management crosswise the organization Recognizing the key elements for instance people, technology and processes are the foremost components that require to be aligned when executing a solution f talent management which are significant to carry o n a global talent team. This company must deal with all these components prior to executing a solution of global talent management. A sustainable process of talent management Consecutively to have a process optimizing a sustainable process of talent management it must approach from the top management and the efforts in combination with the HR department who must take initiatives for executing the same. The mainly thriving initiatives are determined by HR with vigorous and keen support from the CEO and additional members of seniors management. Organizations that desire to optimize a sustainable process of talent management would require generating processes that will let its employees to generate value in the course of processes of business, customer service, innovation, sales, and a lot of further significant activities. The mainly efficient way to leverage the talents of your further fresh hires and employees of longer-term is to pair off them up for formal training and ment oring (Chazin, 2010, parg. 4). The company must begin by integrating people with the plan of business. This process institutes labor force plans, plans of hiring, budgets of compensation, and targets of hiring for the year. As well, in the course of this integrating process, HRM must effort on recruiting, appraisal, assessment, and talent hiring. Once the talent is aboard, the company have got to train and facilitate employees to develop into productive and incorporated into the company additional rapidly. The team of management must institute processes to evaluate and manage employees efficiently. The company must provide learning and growth programs to the entire levels of the company. As these employees are extending, succession planning must approach into play. This would engage enabling employees and managers to discover the accurate candidates for a position. This function as well has got to be aligned with the plan of business to identify with and meet up requisites for ke y positions. Whilst this is regularly a process preserved for executives and managers, it is additional normally functional crosswise the organization. HRM and Management would require to effort on packages of compensation and benefit that will be an essential component of drawing and maintain talented employees. As talent in the organization is evaluated, responsibilities of management will consist of offering critical analysis of its talent pool and coach where essential and discover gaps of talent in the organization and effort to fill them. References ADP, (2011). Effective Talent Management has become an Essential Strategy for Organizational Success. Earnst Young (2010). Managing Todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s Global Workforce, Elevating Talent Management to Improve Business. Retrieved from /vwLUAssets/Managing_Todays_Global_workforce/$FILE/Managing_Todays_Global_workforce.pdf Ethan, Chazin, (2010). Develop an Organizational Talent Management Plan. U.S. Office of Personnel Management, (2012). Performance Management. Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Movie American History X - 979 Words
Recently I watched the movie American History X. Its major subjects are gang violence and racism, that has been passed on from generation to generation. It also asked questions like, what were their racist ideas really based on, how did racism effect the community, can racism be reshaped by actual experiences, and how or why racism to begin with? Racism has been the main topic in the judicial system, police affairs, and racially divided communities for years but it s neither disappearing nor growing to this today. In this movie the main character was a man named Derek. After the death of his father, due to gang violence, he became a racist to all others but white people. He blamed the lack of jobs and poor wages on the blacks and immigrants. In an interview he had after the death of his father he stated that, it s all the blacks fault for all the violence in their neighborhood. He also said that, they brought all the diseases like AIDS and it s their problem and why did they have to bring it to the white people. Before he vandalized a store, owned by a Chinese man, with his other racist friends he told them why they were doing this. He told them that these immigrates come here an instead of looking for the American dream they come and take advantage of it and by firing those who worked there before and hiring Mexicans and blacks, that are willing to work at a low-wage, they make more money. So he and his friends need to show them that they indeed don t belong here andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis O f The Movie American History X 1586 Words  | 7 PagesIn the movie, â€Å"American History X†, the plot surrounds the life of two brothers who are involved with the D.O.C. a well-known white supremacist group in Venice Beach. Danny Vinyard is a high school student who admires his older brother, Derek, a former skinhead. Through the incarceration of his brother Derek, Danny becomes more affiliated with the skinheads and is mentioned at times as being the resemblance of his elder brother. The movie begins with flashbacks of Derek’s incarceration, and everythingRead MoreMovie Analysis: American History X1349 Words  | 6 PagesThe movie I decided to analyze for this course was American History X (1998), which stars Edward Norton. Though this movie isn’t widely known, it is one of the more interesting movies I have seen. It’s probably one of the best films that depict the Neo Nazi plague on American culture. The film takes place from the mid to late 1990’s during the Internet boom, and touches on subjects from affirmative action to Rodney King. One of the highlights of this movie that really relates to one of the key aspectsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie American History X 858 Words  | 4 Pagespersonal/familial level, or the institutional level. The film,American History X, tells the story of two brothers who are both involved with a Neo-Nazi gang in Venice Beach. The movie starts with the older brother Derrick getting out of jail for the murder of two black gang members. At the same time his brother is getting out of jail, the younger brother Danny is forced to write a paper about his brother s influence on him. The movie then unfolds as part of the paper that Danny is writing. ItRead MoreCharacters Filled with Hatred in Movie American History X Essay674 Words  | 3 PagesAmerican History X is an invigorating movie that takes its viewers on a journey in a well thought and unsuspecting plot. The main character is consumed with hatred for every race excluding white Protestants. When he encounters desocialization/resocialization in a prison, he changes his thoughts and beliefs, and they follow him even after he leaves the prison. Groupthink and deviance are both displayed in this movie thoroughly. While groupthink is accepted in society and portrayed as the norm, devianceRead MoreAmerican History X Is An American Crime Movie Directed By Tony Kaye And Produced By John Morrissey1579 Words  | 7 Pages American History X is an American crime movie directed by Tony Kaye and produced by John Morrissey in October 1998. It tells the astonishing tale of two Venice, Los Angeles brothers who become skinheads through the neo-Nazi movement and strived to make the white American culture more efficient. It stars Edward Norton as Derek Vineyard, Edward Furlong as Danny Vineyard, Stacy Each as Cameron Alexander, and Avery Brooks as Dr. Bob Sweeney. This essay will focus on the deviant behavior committed byRead MoreStereotypes, Conformity, And Discrimination1742 Words  | 7 PagesPrejudices and Discrimination in American History X Abstract Stereotyping, prejudice, conformity, and discrimination are well portrayed in the movie American History X. The negative attitude held by Derek towards to black people is greatly influenced and learned from his father who was a racist. Derek also transfers these prejudice attitudes towards his younger brother Danny as he grows up seeing the racism practiced in his family and his brother. Although these attitudes are based on propagandaRead MoreAmerican History X By Tony Kaye1130 Words  | 5 PagesAmerican History X American History X, directed by Tony Kaye, is one of the most controversial, critically-acclaimed movies of the twentieth century. The film is about a man named Derek who serves three-years in prison for murdering two African-American gang members who broke into his truck. Derek’s younger brother, Danny, tells the story of how Derek became this hateful, racist person through various flashback throughout the story. Danny and Derek’s father was killed by an African-American whileRead MoreAmerican History X By Tony Kaye And Written By David Mckenna1439 Words  | 6 PagesAmerican History X Almost one week before I started to take this class, I watched â€Å"American History X†for the first time. When I learned we are going to do this project, this movie was on my mind and I did not surprise at all when I saw it in our movie list. Since the beginning of the semester, everything related to multiculturalism in this movie is becoming clearer to me. Multiculturalism is a huge issue, especially the country like the US which has many different races. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Reading Nightmares Essay Example For Students
Reading Nightmares Essay Reading nightmares exist at many different levels. There are nightmares at the national and state levels. There are nightmares within the field of reading education, and with teachers across all subject areas. This is a key point in the article â€Å"Exploring reading nightmares of middles and secondary school teachers†by William P. Bintz. At the national and state levels, research indicates that students experience a declining interest and slowing development in reading from the seventh grade on (Farr, Fay, Myers , Ginsberg, 1987). They â€Å"demonstrate gains in reading during the early years, these gains seem to taper off in the middle and upper grades, and decline during the high school years. †(Chall 4) Many studies give strength to this argument that reading nightmares occur nationally. They show that students have difficulty with tasks requiring interpretations of what they read, that students do little, if any, reading in school and for homework, and that there is a decline in reading skills amongst 12th graders. (Bintz 13). Goodland (1984) believes that this problem may exist because of the relationship between time spent on reading instruction and the decline in reading abilities. He points out that â€Å"reading occupies only approximately 6% of class time in elementary school, 3% in junior High school, and 2% in senior high school. â€Å" (p 106-107). It is noted that 8th grade students watch TV, on average, almost 22 hours per week. They read for less than 2. (Humphrey 23). Reading instruction, as a field of study, is also ripe with nightmares. Too often, educators make assumptions about reading and its’ instruction. These include â€Å"(a) Reading instruction is primarily, if not exclusively, the role of elementary, not middle and secondary school teachers; and (b) reading is an isolated skill; once mastered in the elementary grades students require no further instruction. †(Bintz 14) As Burnett is keen to show, these attitudes are changing, but slowly. Teachers on the secondary level are still hesitant to get involved in reading instruction. They see themselves as teachers of content. But, perhaps, as Summers states, maybe the content area teachers are hesitant because they, along with many language arts teachers, aren’t properly trained to provide reading instruction. Regardless of content area, all teachers are seeing the same nightmares. Bintz categorizes these as either student based, teacher based, textbook based or someone else’s problem. According to a cross section of teachers, students either can’t read , or are passive and reluctant to read. Many teachers feel that other teachers are the teachers of reading, not themselves. Some also feel that textbooks are often written at levels that are too complex and that are strictly content driven, if not downright boring. If not that problem, many teachers feel that â€Å" a single textbook cant †¦ accommodate †¦ students wide range of reading abilities. †(Bintz 21) Although this article is ripe with the nightmares of reading, it is not barren of solution possibilities. To sum them up, Bintz points out that colleges and universities must rethink the role of reading education within the teacher curriculum. Elementary, junior and senior high schools need to help themselves by intentionally and systematically making reading a high priority with students and teachers. Also, they need to help students and teachers change their perceptions of reading in order to create a new reality that sees reading less as a nagging problem, and more as a tool for learning and thinking. As we had discussed in class the first week, it is evident that we all experience these nightmares. It seemed that our small group fit in very well with what Bintz is saying. .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 , .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .postImageUrl , .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 , .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:hover , .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:visited , .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:active { border:0!important; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:active , .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4 .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u18edf576fe3585861c52740f2fbea6e4:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Canada's Water Crisis-Do we Sell? EssayWe all have reading nightmares, and they are all similar. All of the comments in the article from teachers about their nightmares rang true with a lot of the things that people said in our discussions. Mr. Bintz did get into some detail about trying to solve this problem. He didn’t, though, address what I feel are the two biggest obstacles to making reading instruction a priority. They are apathy and funding. It isn’t necessary to go into details about the difficulties of providing funding for new programs. Apathy we can comment about. As a teacher in one of the poorest high schools in Brooklyn, I am constantly reminded of the apathy of students, parents, and, unfortunately, teachers. Our administration does try to make reading a priority. We have a 20 minute period everyday (instead of a homeroom) that we call RAG (Read and Grow) time. The students are supposed to read a non-school book. Too often, I hear the teachers mock this time. I have also heard that our union insists that we shouldn’t have to enforce the reading period, because that becomes an extra ‘teaching’ period. I am not certain if that is true, but I am certain that I heard teachers discussing this. I have also called home to parents to explain RAG time, and to ask why their children refuse to read, and I get the same dumbfounded answers I get from the kids. This leaves me in quite a quandary. I am certainly untrained as a reading teacher. Being a first year teacher, I am untrained in many of the pedagogical skills. How am I to combat this ? I guess that my aspirations for the information that I would get from this article were too high, and that can only lead to being let down. I had hoped to be enlightened on how I can help these kids gain the love for reading that I have. As my aspirations were high, the first reading of this article left me feeling like it was incomplete. After going through it over and over again, I found that this article is very well written, and gives a clear foundation for more study. It is refreshing to know that I am not alone with my nightmares. Seeing that it isn’t just in inner city Brooklyn, or even only in lower socioeconomic areas gives me hope that this is a problem that, with time, we can cure.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Sun Also Rises Essays (636 words) - Literature, Fiction, Arts
Sun Also Rises The Sun Also Rises The Sun Also Rises is a brilliant book written by Ernest Hemingway, that illustrates the decadence during the 1920s. Throughout the book Hemingway expresses at the time an illegal habit in America, alcoholic drinking. He also displays the beginning of open sexual/physical contact, flirting with more than one person, and having more than one sexual partner. Hemingways characters shows decry in their work habits. Throughout the book Hemingway displays many examples of the modern world in the 1920s, and the decline in moral standards. Alcoholism was big during the 1920s, and Hemingway displays this moral decay of values through the eyes of his characters. Hemingway illustrates this at all parts of the book. Whenever Barnes is at a club, his house, hotel room he is drinking. At San Sebastian, Cohn and Brett were said to be drinking. While Jake and Bill were on their fishing trip they were drinking wine the whole time and everyone was drinking during the weeklong fiesta. During this time in the US drinking was illegal, and Hemingway was showing a lack of respect, and care for the law. He was able to illustrate the modern world and its increase in alcoholism and its decrease of the moral values during the 1920s. Ernest Hemingway shows his brilliance by displaying the decay in moral standards. One of those moral standards was the openness of peoples being attracted to the opposite sex, or same sex. Hemingway chose to display this by using Brett as his center point and having everyone she comes in contact with fall in love with her. At the beginning of the book Brett was with a group of openly gay men. The gay guys were dancing with each other and being open about their sexual preference. This really didnt happen before the war. Throughout the book Brett and Barnes flirt a lot and they also kiss several times. Brett also has and affair and sleeps with Cohn at San Sebastian. Brett also chooses to flirt and lead on Count Mippipopulous. She also has another affair with Pedro the bullfighter. This whole time Brett is engaged to marry Mike. They are not married yet and they too sleep together, this didnt happen a lot before the war either. Hemingway chose to illustrate his the decline of moral valu es by using Brett as his center point, and having anything to do with sex happen with Brett in the sentence. The work ethic of the modern man after World War I declined in its productivity. Hemingway in the book The Sun Also Rises chooses to not have the characters work but party. I believe once in the book Barnes went to work once, and that was to pick up his paycheck. Robert Cohn the successful author writes one book, gets rich, and then doesnt write another book. Mike is drunk, never works and he is bankrupt. He also borrows money from the people not being able to pay it back. Brett also herself is broke. She never works once and she always has someone pay for whatever she wants. The work ethic of the modern man decayed as Hemingway portrayed in The Sun Also Rises. The constant decline of moral standards from generation to generation is represented be Hemingway from beginning to end of The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway expresses this through the eyes of his characters. From open sex to alcoholism to a bad work ethic, he has his main characters encounter each one of these problems. His main characters were Jake Barnes, Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, Mike and Bill. The continue decay of moral values is displayed brilliantly by Ernest Hemingway in The Sun Also Rises, to make the story come alive in the readers mind. English Essays
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